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Communication is key to a successful project! Before hiring a freelancer, you can send them a message directly through their gig page. Just click on the "Message" button to ask any questions you might have about their services, availability, or anything else you need to know. This way, you can ensure the freelancer understands your needs and is the right fit for your project before you make a commitment.
Each freelancer sets their own price for the services they offer. When you browse through the different gigs (which are like mini-projects or jobs), you’ll see the prices listed clearly. You can compare the prices and choose what fits your budget. Don’t worry about your money—when you decide to hire someone, your payment is securely held until the job is done.
Browse: Look through the featured gigs on the homepage or use the search bar to find exactly what you need (like a wedding photographer or video editor). Review: Click on a gig to see more details, such as what the freelancer offers, how much it costs, and how long it will take. You can also see reviews and ratings from previous clients to help you decide if this freelancer is the right fit for your project. Hire: If you like what you see, click on one of the packages offered by freelancer. You’ll be guided through the process of making a secure payment and communicating with the freelancer to start your project.
Yes, absolutely! When you pay for a service on ShootKardo.com, your money is kept safe. We use trusted and secure payment methods, so you don’t have to worry about anything going wrong. Your payment is held by us until the freelancer completes the job. Only then is the money released to the freelancer.

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